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    Classification, composition and precautions of concrete mixing plant

    With the rapid development of the construction industry, concrete mixing plants are more and more widely used in the market and are a good helper for construction workers. Concrete mixing plant is to mix sand, aggregate, cement, powder, water, additives and other materials in a certain proportion, and finally transport all the prepared materials to the concrete mixer for mixing, thus forming a building Concrete required for engineering.

    Classification of concrete mixing plant

    1. According to the control system classification

    Standard concrete mixing plant and simple concrete mixing plant. The simple concrete mixing plant adopts a centralized control system, and the standard concrete mixing plant adopts a fully automatic control system. The simple concrete batching plant is relatively low in price. Its simplicity does not mean the simplicity of the quality or accuracy of the centralized control system, but refers to the degree of automation. The centralized control system belongs to semi-automatic control. It is automatically transported from the bin body to the weighing hopper through a screw, and then automatically unloaded into the mixer. The whole process is fully automatic, convenient and fast.

    2. Classification according to production volume

    HZS25 concrete mixing plant, HZS35 concrete mixing plant, HZS50 concrete mixing plant, HZS60 concrete mixing plant, HZS75 concrete mixing plant, HZS90 concrete mixing plant, HZS120 concrete mixing plant, HZS180 concrete mixing plant.

    classification of concrete mixing plant

    Composition of concrete mixing plant

    1. Mixing the host. At present, the most used mixing host in the industry is a double-horizontal shaft forced mixer, which has excellent mixing performance and can be equipped according to user requirements.

    2. Weighing system. The material weighing system is mainly divided into three parts: aggregate weighing, powder weighing and liquid weighing. One scale is used for aggregate, sand and stone, one scale is used for cement and fly ash, and water and liquid additives are weighed separately. Then put the liquid additives into the water weighing hopper to pre-mix.

    3. Storage system. Aggregate is stacked in the open or in a closed silo, powder is stored in a fully enclosed steel structure silo, and additives are stored in a steel structure container.

    4. Control system. The control system has different functions and configurations according to the different requirements of users and the size of the mixing plant. Generally, the control system of the small mixing plant is simpler for the concrete mixing plant available on the construction site, while the system of the large mixing plant is relatively more complicated.

    5. Conveying system. Material conveying consists of three parts: aggregate conveying, powder conveying and liquid conveying, which can be equipped according to user requirements.

    composition of concrete mixing plant

    Matters needing attention when mixing concrete batching plant:

    1. Under normal circumstances, the batching of the concrete mixing plant is a fully automatic control system. The mixing ratio of various materials is set on the computer in advance, and the weight is automatically weighed and the error is small. However, because it is a machine operation, errors will inevitably occur, so the operator needs to observe and compare in time to see if the computer is normal.

    2. When the concrete mixing plant is in production, pay attention to observe whether there are errors in the measurement and whether there are residual materials, so as to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. When admixtures are used in the concrete produced by the concrete mixing station, the mixing time should be appropriately extended. According to the different admixtures, the stirring time is also different, extending about 20 seconds or 50 seconds.

    3. The operator of the concrete mixing plant should be familiar with the various control parts of the equipment, and be proficient in the correct operation sequence and regulations. Only in this way can it be handled correctly in emergency situations and avoid operating errors that may cause equipment damage and material loss.

    parts of concrete mixer

    After reading the classification, composition and precautions of this concrete mixing plant, you should have a new understanding of the mixing plant. If you still don’t understand, you can contact us. The staff of KAMO MACHINERY is online 24 hours a day.