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    How to solve the weighing error of concrete batching plant?

    Nowadays, more and more ready-mixed concrete plants appear on the market. Ready-mixed concrete plants can ensure the quality of concrete, and ready-mixed concrete can be produced at the specified site and time, which can greatly reduce noise and dust pollution to residents. . However, there is no guarantee that the quality of all ready-mixed concrete is perfect, because there are many factors that affect the quality of concrete. For example, the quality of raw materials, production technology, equipment quality, on-site construction conditions, operator quality level, management level, traffic, etc. will affect the quality of concrete. Only by doing a good job in the quality work of ready-mixed concrete enterprises can the quality of concrete be guaranteed at all times.

    concrete batching plant

    How to solve the weighing error of concrete batching plant? First of all, what problems will affect the weighing error of the mixing station?

    1. Check the mechanical parts. If the actual weight of the material being weighed is greater than the displayed value of the computer weighing. This possibility should be excluded first to ensure that the deformation of the gravity sensor or the displacement of the weighing bucket in the direction of gravity is not restricted, and will not cause deformation of the gravity sensor or displacement of the weighing bucket in the direction of gravity, the direction of gravity during the weighing process, Quantitative Bias.

    2. Whether the gravity sensor is damaged. If there is a problem with one or more of the three sensors on the scale bucket, the deformation of the strain gauge will not reach the proper amount, and the actual weight of the material being weighed will be greater than the value displayed by the computer. In this case, it can be checked by calibrating the balance with standard weights. However, it should be noted that the calibration balance must be a full-scale calibration balance. If the number of weights is limited, at least it cannot be smaller than the usual maximum weighing value.

    3. The problem of setting the weighing end time. The weighing system should have a stabilization time after the command feed door is closed. If there is no such time period, or there is not enough time, the computer weighing display will give a small data. In addition, the weighing system will shake slightly under the impact of the material. After stopping feeding, it also needs a period of stabilization, but it should not be too long, otherwise it will affect the production efficiency. This time only by trial and error.

    4. Weighing is set in advance. The setting of weighing in advance is mainly to consider that after the feeding door is closed, there is still a part of the material in the air, and its value has not been added to the sensor. If the weighing end time is set too early, the actual weight of the material to be weighed will be greater than the displayed value of the computer. There are many factors that affect the weighing advance value, such as the condition of machinery and equipment, the depth of the silo, the amount of material in the silo, etc., which should also be obtained through experiments.

    5. The problem of setting the unit electric equivalent load. If the unit electrical equivalent load is not set properly, the value displayed by the computer weighing will be inconsistent with the actual weight of the material being weighed. But this problem is easily identified and solved by calibrating and adjusting the scale with standard weights.

    concrete batching plant

    The above content introduces the problems that affect the weighing error of the mixing plant. Let's talk about how to solve the weighing error of the concrete mixing plant?

    1. Improve the correctness of the formula. Formulation design, trial validation, redesign and validation when raw materials are changed. Accuracy of actual moisture content collection, real-time - detection frequency and application. In the standard formula, the amount of sand used is given by dry sand, and the actual water content of the sand is input during production, and the computer can calculate the weighing set values of sand and water.

    2. Develop a system to ensure the seriousness of laboratory formulations. It shall not be changed at will, and every change must be notified in time.

    3. Traceability of changes. All changes must be recorded, including the content of the change, the amount of the change, the time of the change, the person who made the change, the approver, the implementer, etc.

    4. If the unloading conditions of the sand and gravel scale are not good, it is easy to accumulate materials, causing operators to intervene frequently during the weighing process, which is easy to cause human error and operation errors.

    5. A signal should be sent when the cylinder is closed.

    6. There are two feeding doors under the silo, and each silo has two. It is recommended to modify the program so that the two doors are closed in sequence to realize coarse and fine weighing.

    7. Tracking computer weighing pulses should be able to judge unexpected errors in advance, or manual intervention to bypass such unexpected errors.

    8. Strengthen the management of operational data, including the improvement, integrity and preservation of operational data, to ensure the traceability of every operational detail.

    concrete batching plant